We make your brand

Your brand is unique. You know this, and it is important for you to communicate this to others. In today’s digital age, no business runs without having a website, an online face. As the greatest marketeers say “a business that does not exist online, does not exist”


Our Process


Let us get to know you – who you are, what you like, from the personal to the professional. We’ll ask you for your favorite colors, where you love to travel, if you like spicy food and what is your ideal day. It is an important part of the brand concept development stage, and of the building of the website. Your personal behviour indicates your business conduct, and psychology plays a significant role in marketing. As such, every product, service, brand or company holds a different looks and behaviour. To each his or her own way. So do you.

This step takes place after you we have began working together, and it is one that should not be taken lightly. We live and breath digital, from dawn till dusk. We have seen different websites and strategies succeed and fail. As such, we will carefully plan how we proceed from here on out, with you and your brand at the heart of our process.


At this stage, we will learn how your competitors are behaving in the digital world by reviewing both local and international competitors. We will then analyze the purpose for which we are building a website, the reasoning behind it, and the objectives set for it. We will discuss what the menus should include, which pages are to be created, and they should be placed, as well as the content that should be implemented – pictures, articles, graphs and so on. Without a properly defined foundations, obstacles will appear along the way.


The fun part. We get on the with the design phase.

The classic design style is endless. “Modern” can mean a dozen different styles, as well as “clean” and “classic”. But you website, is yours. After we’ve met, got to know each other, had coffee together, specified and planned, we will now draw the lines, circles and colors, into a design that is fun to look at, and easy to use.

This is essentially the most important part of the process, since it will have the most impact of visitors’ feelings, their time spent on the page, as well as the functionality and the ease of use.


The rough part.

Development, is the writing of the website into letters and numbers. When you browser a webpage, you click buttons and you see written visual content, there is actually a hidden part working under the hood. This is what’s called code.

The code is an assembly of words, commas, letters and numbers which, when combined, create the digital world. Code has to be written in a high-quality manner and “clean”, to prevent any future “bugs” from occurring.

At this stage, we bring all of the ideas we collected early on in the process, into a finalized result that you can act upon.

From idea, to reality.

Quality Assurance

Once we are done with planning, designing and developing phases, and right before we hand over the final result to you, we verify that everything runs smoothly and operates as it is intended to.

While this process takes place at the end of the stream, it is conducted in part along the way as well, where in the planning phase we make sure the website will be easy to use, in the design phase that everything is comfortable, clear and fun to visit (colors, texts, buttons, forms and so on), and in the developing phase that everything that we aimed to have actually works properly.


As with any relationship in life, we will first take the opportunity to get to know you – who you are, what you like, from the personal to the professional. Your personal behavior indicates your business conduct, and psychology plays a significant role in marketing. As such, every product, service, brand or company holds a different looks and behavior. To each his or her own way. So do you


Specification & Design

We will then work together to find a concept, design, feel and functionality that suits you and your needs best. This will be accompanied by a design process that goes hand in hand with your business image and brand development goals.


Development & QA

Once all this is set and done, the fun part starts – our team will take everything accumulated and will create the technical implementation of all features create a website that goes hand in hand with everything we defined prior to this step. Lastly, before we hand over the project to your possession and take you online, we will perform a quality assurance process that ensures everything runs smoothly and as it should, nothing less

Web Development consultant

Our leading guideline. Our FUEL.

Technology Standards

The world of the internet and software is constantly advancing. What was true 12 months ago, may be false in the present, and the rate of change just keeps on increasing. Our experts are always with two fingers on the online-pulse – we invest in education programs, visit expos and meetups, speak at events and try to always be on top of everything new. We dedicate our energy for the design and construction of quality, professional, creative and responsive websites.

What We Build

Corporate website

Corporate Websites


eCommerce Platforms


WordPress Blogs

Landing Pages

Landing Pages

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+43 1 369 1818


Insticore GmbH
Hofzeile 18-20
1190 Vienna